Unfortunately his career was cut short first by kidney problems, which could of been fatal if not for a transplant, and then later, in his first match back, he injured his shoulder which also needed an operation.

Jonah was generally known for his massive build, strength and power! He's 6ft 5 and weighed 19st 10lbs, which, safe to say, was mostly muscle.
His incredible power is what defined him; what set him above the rest and basically made him unstoppable one on one (even 2 on 1 I think the odds would be stacked in Jonah's favor!).
The video below highlights his power and twice he breaks five tackles!
Despite his huge build and weight he was still incredibly quick clocking a time of 10.8 of 100m's. Although he was more than capable of simply running through the defense theirs more than one occasion of him simply running round and outpacing the opposition; but most of his tries were a combination of both pace and power and this is ultimately what made him the try scoring machine he was.
Hand off!
His handoff, again, was one of massive of portion, if you look at many of his tries you'll see how well he utilizes it and how the majority of players who manage to get in close range are then unable to even attempt a tackle due to it. There's no doubt it was a big part of his game.

The rest of the package!
When people talk about Lomu they discuss and admire him for all the things I've just said above- and rightly so- for indeed he was a freak of nature in all those aspects but what people forget is that he was a rounded player and possessed all those skills which make a great rugby player and on top of that he had a great rugby brain and a unique knowledge of how to beat a player.
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